
Life does not always let us choose the paths we want to go. Of course, we always can choose which house to live in, which job to keep working, which to quit, etc. But life hands us events that we have no control over. Instead of resisting the way things are, we need to accept the process. We must accept what life gives us, in order to be rewarded in the end. By opening new doors of perception, we see that there is goodness in every life lesson. Although there are things we may hate and situations we feel are useless, there is goodness in all of those. If we breathe, are open, and let life run through us every day no matter what, we will eventually receive the greatest gifts, and everything that we have wanted will come to us in time. The universe wants us to be patient, kind, and passive with the events it gives us. Therefore, we need to be gentle and listen to the subtleties that it brings us. Find joy in everything, not just the sunny days. We will eventually get everything that we need, want, desire, and love. We cannot have it all at once. The universe tests us, and if we comply with IT’s path, not our own personal path, but the path laid out for us, we will be rewarded with love, truth and peace. Be patient, for all is coming. 


